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Malden High School’s Field Hockey team began to wrap up their season with a win against Everett High School on Senior Night. The game resulted in a score of 3-0. The overall record of the 2019 season was 3-11-2.
Each player was assigned a poster to make about another person on the team. They decorated the bleachers with balloons, streamers, and cups representing the seniors jersey numbers. The team’s tradition was carried on with the players lining up and raising their sticks in the air to make a walkway for the seniors. They were given roses afterwards, along with the Everett seniors, who received roses from players on the Malden team.

Photo by Noelle Hayes
Senior Ketlyn Picinin Nunes stated that the Senior Night game was “one of the best games [they have] ever had,” to which Senior Ashley Giang added, “[she] thinks that [they] all did really well.” The girls concluded that they may have put more effort into the game due to the fact that their opponent was more difficult to beat.
Due to it being her first time playing goalie for Varsity, Picinin stated she “had to take it more seriously,” and she had to “improve [herself],” since she played for JV the previous year. She thinks that Junior Zi Yi “Billy” Zeng, stood out to her from a defensive point of view during the Senior Night game because he assisted her the most. Picinin claimed that “he makes [her] feel confident,” and Zeng is “the one person [she] knows is going to back [her] up and help [her] always.”
Giang believed that the varsity players worked as a team that night for a successful outcome. She said “[she] thinks that [they] really applied some of [their] goals that [they] wanted to make on that day.” Picinin described the game as “more organized” and claimed “[they] were more motivated to win.” As a whole, Giang believes her last Malden High Field Hockey season brought many accomplishments for her. She also stated that this season she “got [herself] out there a little more.” Giang thought that this year had a great outcome and helped expose field hockey to new players.
The Varsity Field Hockey coach, Samantha Souza, believes that over the years each senior player has gained a lot of confidence. In her second year coaching in Malden, she described the season as “frustrating” because the team could have taken advantage of more opportunities. In hopes for a better season next year, Souza claimed “[she] hopes [they] can come out with [their] energy, confidence, and aggression high right from the start.”