Girls Volleyball Team vs. Girls Soccer Team Volleyball Game

For more photos on the event, click here. 

On November 15th, the MHS Girls Varsity Volleyball and Soccer team held an event in the Finn Gym, which was advertised all over the MHS Sports Page on Instagram as “the showdown of the year.”

A handful of the girls from each team participated in a game of volleyball, where they went up against one another to see who would win. It was a faceoff of experience versus perseverance. 

Soccer and Volleyball are well known sports amongst the students at Malden High School, and they were two of the most watched sports during the past fall season. 

Sophomore Molly Sewell bumps ball out of the soccer girls end of the court. Photo taken by Jason Ong.

When asked about the experience of the game overall everyone described it as “fun.” 

Senior Nour Chouiki states “[they] had a crowd so it was entertaining for [them] and for the people.” 

When asked about how the idea of this game came about, Chouiki stated that it came from fellow Soccer teammate Bia Segato. She came to practice one day and said “[they should] do a scrimmage with the Volleyball girls as a fundraiser.” 

Chouki expressed that they “all liked the idea a lot because [they] thought most of the team would come and join in with the fun.” 

Word got around to the Volleyball girls, and Varsity Coach Dan Jurkowski stated that “one of [their] Volleyball Captains, Julia Argueta, had brought it to the team’s attention during a practice last week of the season…and pretty much every girl on the team showed interest and was excited for the game.”

The game began with the first two sets being played with the Volleyball team vs the Soccer team, and for the third set they mixed up the teams.

Jurkowski was the referee of the Volleyball game, and when asked what his favorite part of the game was he stated “[his] favorite part is when [they] changed up the rules a little bit and allowed the soccer girls to kick the ball over the net for their serves.”

When interviewed, sophomore Sara Dzaferagic, whom is also part of the Girls Varsity Soccer team, expressed that the best part of the game was “being able to play another sport,” and also described it as “fun.” 

Chouiki also states that “[it is] always fun to play sports you have never played,” and this was her favorite part of participating in the Volleyball game. 

Senior Batoul Chouiki attempts to serve the ball over the net onto the other side of the court. Photo taken by Jason Ong.

A few things Chouiki stated she wished could have gone better is “[they] should have had more players and people who actually wanted to play and not go off.”

Another thing that could have gone better for the girls is making the rules clear so they could “understand [them] better.” 

Overall both teams described the game as very “fun” and something they would consider doing again in the future. Despite the few obstacles along the way of their game, they continued to play and keep a show going on for the crowd. 

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