On December 14, 2019 Malden High, alongside Revere High and Matignon, laced up their skates and headed onto the ice for their first home game against Everett. The Patriots came out with a win of 5-0, giving them a 2-0 record.  

Senior and assistant captain for the Patriots, Corey Rufo, has hopes for the new season. Rufo stated that “[they] are a fast and talented team” and thinks that with hard work and dedication, they will be able to “make it to States and even make it deep.” The team has just recently added Matignon, a Catholic high school in Cambridge, and the team may be seen as “ unstable,” but Rufo ensures that this is the “closest team [they] have had” during his years of High School Hockey. 

Last season was not one of their best seasons, but Rufo believes this year will be different. Rufo believes that “[their] captain from Revere High School (RHS) and the other assistant captains from Matignon and RHS, really have a grasp on this year’s hockey team.” During the off season, Rufo and various other teammates of his were in the gym doing what was needed to prepare themselves for this season. 

Malden/Revere prepare to fight for the puck against Everett. Photo taken by Courtney Fitzgerald.

This team has many young, fast, and talented players. “[They] need the will to play though or it does not mean anything and [they] will fail” stated Rufo.  Although there are many players that make up the team, Rufo believes that if they were to fail “there is no one to blame but [himself]” seeing as he is the offensive captain and is in charge of getting the team to play as a team.  

Senior Kevin Ivany, who has grown up playing hockey and has played for a total of 14 years,  also had a lot to say about the new season. This season, Ivany hopes that the team can make it far in the tournament and can be “in the fight for the GBL title.” Ivany’s past season has helped him learn how to become a “better leader” and has helped him decide “what play to make based on a situation.” To Ivany, the hockey team does not need many improvements but one he suggests is, “working harder as a team.” Ivany adds that he is “excited to play his last season.” 

All in all, the players have high hopes for this season. Rufo concludes that he thinks “everyone should attend these hockey games.” He knows that the team will not let their fans down and it “is an extremely fun sport to watch.” The players hope to win the GBL title and the fans are right there with them watching as they fight for the win.  

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