Governor Baker encourages people to wear masks at a press conference, Nov. 3 (Boston Globe).
It appears that the state is beginning to plan for another lockdown in order to combat the growing number of cases, judging from the Governor’s new guidelines regarding the coronavirus.
There has been a major spike in cases in the past few weeks, and some have called for a full second lockdown. Clearly, the government is beginning to listen to these calls and implement what they think is necessary to stem the rising tide.
The new measures consist of a mandatory closing time for a large portion of businesses, restrictions on indoor and outdoor gatherings, restrictions on the sale of alcohol, and other measures aimed at reducing the spread of the coronavirus. Religious gatherings and gatherings of political expression are exempt, allowing any scheduled protests to continue. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor both expressed hopes for the public to go along with the proposed measures.
The reaction from the public was mixed, with those in the affected sectors being strongly against the measures, arguing that they stifled business in a taxing time for them. The general public has maintained a somewhat neutral stance on the matter, despite people on both sides of the debate calling out Baker’s policies, saying that he is doing either too much or too little. These new restrictions are likely to decrease his approval rating, but not by much, as the public still has a very favorable image of his administration.
These measures went into effect on Friday, November 6, and the state experienced a lull in the growth of new cases of coronavirus. However, the orders have failed to stem the rising tide of cases, especially after Thanksgiving, with millions traveling around the country to see their loved ones. The effectiveness of the order, due to outside circumstances, is unable to be determined.

I think the Governor is doing a great job and I trust that he will continue. He is seeing the whole picture and will govern the best he can. We must stick together right or wrong we’re all in this together
No more lock downs. What difference does it make, let the Virus run its course and we will pick up after it is all said and done. Leave the church alone, let them continue with their religious freedom to worship. Let restaurants serve as usual and businesses operate as usual. The lock downs are destroying our economy, our ability to provide for our families, our ability to work and feed our families. If you are going to pay all my bills and feed my family do as you wish. Otherwise, eliminate all the restrictions so we can live our lives without starving to death or being thrown in the streets because we can not pay our rent or mortgages. We are all adults and will deal with the ramifications of our personal decisions.
But New Bedford school are still open mayor worried about economic. But not worry about are children.
I know that everyone is frustrated and bored and depressed etc. But if everyone did what they were supposed to do we wouldn’t be in the shape right now. Mask I know is confining and uncomfortable to wear. Small crowd size is the way to go because it is better to have small crowd size than to infect somebody and they never get to be in a crowd again. but if we all just did it for a little while long we could probably get this under control. I really don’t think Gov Baker is trying to control everyone I think he’s trying to do what deep down we know is best for everyone.
According to a recent chart concerning covid clusters…the household was OVERWHELMINGLY higher than ANY other source. Please explain the logic behind the urgency to stay home if that is in fact true. Source was the MA.GOV COVID 19 DASHBOARD.
Need tighter restrictions on air travel-no unnecessary travel, period! State border check points. Fines to anyone found in public without a mask ON. Need to shut down the nonconformers so those who follow regulations are safer. Apparently, they don’t want to pay attention! Really angers me that we that follow restrictions are still at risk from nonconformers! Need to “nip it in the bud”.