The Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) held a socially-distanced rally on September 23, 2020 in the Malden High School courtyard. The rally was organized by the Special Education Parent Advisory Council and it “was in support of offering the option of in person learning to [Malden’s] highest needs learners that remote learning can’t offer,” said Adam Weldai. “To some people the benefits outweigh the risks and they want to give their kids a shot,” Wedlai explained.

During the SEPAC rally many of Malden’s parents spoke about their struggles with remote learning with their kids. Weldai explained that it is “stuff that we don’t normally think about. Kids because they work with an Adaptive Physical Education teacher they are able to practice jumping, dexterity with their fingers, raising both your arms at the same time and being able to sit in a seat without any urges.”
Computer screens limit students’ ability to learn and practice what they have worked so hard to accomplish. With that, parents want to help their kids to reach their full potential. Pamela MacDonald, the head of Special Education at the Malden High School, said that “[her] job is about building relationships with parents and building support for students. It was nice to connect with people and put some names with faces.”
Jennifer Spadafora, a parent of a special needs student can relate. She explained that “it was really good just to see people advocating for their kids’ education. Having a special needs child is a whole different avenue including parents that don’t know how to educate our kids in a remote learning or distance learning environment, not to say that remote learning is easy for anyone whatsoever.”

The Special Education Parent Advisory Council is in existence to make sure that no parents feel alone and so they can talk about their questions and concerns. Spadafora also explained that “as well as having SEPAC educate parents that may not be familiar with special education.” MacDonald also explained that “[she does not] always know everything [that is] going on . . . so to have another set of eyes and ears in the district and also the perspective of the parents is important and is the best advocate for families.”