Angelina Schorr's senior portrait. Photo submitted by James Valente.

On top of her list of many achievements, graduate Angelina Schorr can add being ranked number six in her class as one of them.
During her time at Malden High, Schorr was heavily involved in various groups such as National Honor Society, the Malden Against Cancer club, the Maldonian Yearbook staff, Captains’ Council and Unified Basketball. On top of all that, Schorr was also a three season athlete, taking part on the soccer team, indoor track team and the outdoor track team.
During the 2019 Winter Season, which would have been the last athletic season that she participated in, Schorr was a runner in the Girls 4×400 Relay which took a big part in assisting the Girls Indoor Track Team to finish the season undefeated. That season the team was able to reclaim the title of Greater Boston League (GBL) Champions after their return from the Eastern Conference. Additionally, the 4×400 relay team that Schorr was a part of were recognized as GBL All-Star teams.
In hindsight, Schorr believes that her “biggest achievement in high school [was] managing [her] time really well.” While being heavily involved in all her extracurriculars, Schorr balanced two part-time jobs, one as a cashier in a grocery store and another as a babysitter, took various AP classes, yet still found the time to volunteer in programs outside of school.
However, having all these things on her schedule was not an easy task. Schorr considered “trying to make time for it all” as one of the hardest things about high school. “There were feelings of being overwhelmed and exhausted,” she described, “and the self-doubt about whether or not [she] could do it.”
Nevertheless, Schorr genuinely enjoyed everything she did and sees being heavily involved in a variety of in-school plus out-of-school activities as a factor in “[shaping] [her] into the person [she] [is] today.”
When finding out that she made top ten in her class, she felt proud, expressing how it “felt really good to be able to work hard and climb up” and be rewarded for all her sacrifices. Her parents shared that feeling, especially since her father was top ten in his high school and was able to bond over that kind of unique accomplishment with his daughter.
Along with her parents, Schorr credited English teacher as well as track coach, David Londino, for helping her in her success thus far. Not only did he help her grow as an athlete and a student, but as a person. “Londino was the teacher [she] would always go to,” Schorr expressed, whether it be for help in school, a good laugh on a bad day, or advice about life in general, she found comfort in talking to her former mentor. Other previous teachers that Schorr credited for helping her grow during her years at Malden High include Yahaira Márquez, Erin O’Brien-Mazza, Shannon Votaw, Brian Morrison, James Valente and The Blue and Gold’s own advisor, Ryan Gallagher.
Her senior year did not end in its anticipated way, nevertheless, Schorr sees herself “ready to move on from high school and start [a] new chapter in [her] life.” She advised current Malden High students to “take these years of [their] life to work hard, figure out the kinds of things [they] like, enjoy [themselves] in and outside of school.”
Beginning in Spring of 2022, Schorr will be attending Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Her current plan is to study biomedical engineering which will lead into working as a clinical researcher. That will involve “trying to understand how diseases affect the body and how to cure and/or treat them,” she explained.
Schorr remains optimistic about her future, and is “excited for everything [she] has yet to accomplish.” As she begins to continue her journey, she is also grateful for the lessons Malden High has taught her.