As the City of Malden slowly starts opening again, parks and basketball courts are also opening. Although people are able to go to these places freely, there are still some rules we have to follow.

Parks and Open Areas
Everyone, other than kids under the age of two, has to wear a face mask. All visitors also must follow social distancing guidelines and stay six feet apart. Each group can have the maximum number of 10 people. Guests are expected to practice social distancing if you are doing any of the following activities: walking, hiking, biking, running, yoga, tai chi, and clean-up events.

Athletic Fields and Outdoor Courts
Just like the parks and open spaces, everyone over the age of two has to wear a face mask. Guests should avoid going in groups; however, groups should be no larger than 10 people. There should be no-contact drills and training exercises; in other words no basketball, no football, no baseball, no soccer, no field hockey, no lacrosse. Some of the sports that you can play are tennis, racquet sports, skating, etc. Visitors should sanitize their hands before and after.

Dog Parks
All dog owners and dogs should stay six feet away from each other. As long as guests are practicing social distancing rules, they do not have to wear a mask, but they would have to if they cannot maintain that distance. Dog owners should not allow for their pets to share toys, treats, and other materials with other dog owners if they do not live in the same household.
Organized Sports
Outdoor sports are completely open for youth and also adults, but indoor sports are only for the youth under the age of 18. Once again the group sizing has to be no more than 10 people, which includes coaches and staff. Athletes are not allowed to share personal equipment, food, or drinks. If there are spectators, they must social distance themselves.
For more more information, click here.