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The Boys Varsity soccer team suffered a tough loss recently, losing 5-1 against the Revere Patriots. Their record now rests at 6-6-4, in comparison to Revere’s 8-5-4. This year’s Malden team had not played Revere before, and they gave them a taste of what they are capable of.
The game started with both teams fired up and ready to roll. Although Malden was giving it their all, they seemed to struggle a bit when it came to communicating, and it only took a couple of minutes before Revere was already taking the upper hand. With Revere communicating and passing effortlessly, they were able to secure 2 goals on Malden.
After a quick huddle-up, Malden appeared to be significantly more in control and their communication had a notable upgrade. After a long game of back and forth up and down the pitch, a Malden Midfield player, Ezekiel Deterring, was able to squeeze in a goal past Revere’s goalie. Malden was extremely motivated at this point of the game, as they felt a chance at victory was in their grasp. If they simply kept Revere at bay and continued to communicate well, the triumph was theirs. However, Revere was up for the challenge.
After multiple scoring attempts, Revere eventually got the upper hand, making the score 3-1. Malden’s momentum began to slip, as they suffered many unsuccessful scoring attempts, and even a 9th-grade defender, Waseem Lahili, suffered an injury, requiring him to sit out. Right when it seemed that the Patriots might gain even more on the Tornados, it was halftime.
Malden just needed to keep the ball on Revere’s side of the pitch, and they would most certainly take home the win, or at least have a chance at victory. After some words from the coach, the team seemed pumped up.
Although they played aggressively, Revere’s defense put a quick halt to Malden’s fiesty scoring attempts. Revere started to take initiative once more, which Malden had trouble stopping. The ball appeared to linger prominently on Revere’s toes, which led to two more goals. As the end neared, Malden began to lose the momentum they had gained previously.
At the end of the game, Coach Jeremiah Smith stated that the boys would need to “improve their goal scoring and finishing skills” to have a shot at victory against Revere next time. It was a difficult loss to swallow for the Tornadoes, but they are determined to fire back at the next game and show the soccer teams across Massachusetts what they can bring to the table.