Malden Reads hosted a virtual screening and short discussion on Wednesday, February 9th. They streamed the movie Gather, which was directed by Sanjay Rawal and released in 2020.
On the Zoom meeting, Malden Reads co-founder Jodie Zalk, stated that “there were over 20 people who joined. The numbers were small because it was virtual, but we got visitors from people in different states, including people who used to live in Malden.” The movie was one hour and 14 minutes long, but the Zoom call lasted for around two hours.
The movie Gather is about Native Americans and their cultural and spiritual journey. The Native Americans were devastated by genocide in the movie.
After the movie was streamed, the host took time to answer questions. Most of the questions were about the rumors going around that the Malden Public Library did not have enough funds, but those rumors were confirmed to be false: the Malden Public Library was in fact not closing down.
Zalk also stated that, “the event was planned over a series of meetings.” Malden Reads said that “we definitely have more virtual film screenings planned for the future.” Malden Reads expressed that “it’s a good thing that people are being a part of the community coming together in these events.”
If you were not able to come to the virtual film screening, you can stream the film on Kanopy by using your Malden Public Library card: https://boston.kanopy.com/product/gather
Stay tuned for more screenings in the future. Zalk added that “Malden High students are welcome at all our Malden Reads events! There are upcoming film screenings, poetry workshops, discussions and a spring event on the Malden River planned.” Students can email maldenreads@gmail.com with questions.