Dorothy Michel also contributed to the article.
On Wednesday, April 13th Malden High defeated Lynn Classical High School with a final score of 5-0.
The boys tennis team captain Naveen Nemalapuri has been playing tennis for Malden High since 8th grade. “Our goal . . . is to have a great team and we have a great one and [we’ve] got a couple of young freshmen but I think they have the things to get things set,” Nemalapuri said.
“We use many different strategies before a game such as trying to see who is going to play [in the] lineup to try to help everyone excel,” he continued.
Junior Wilson Jiang won a match. He said at the start of a game he always feels tense and hard but then after playing with his teammate, he feels loose and relaxed and can play better. “I think [we] both did really well together,” he said.
Jiang believes everyone did their best and showed a lot of spirit. He said that he hopes his team makes it to the state tournament and that he gets a winning record.
Junior Henry Zhao said he felt okay and “wasn’t stressed but also wasn’t relaxed.” Over time, Jiang carried him emotionally and mentally because they were reaffirming each other and it helped.
“During the game, I think I did really well overall because I was getting the balls that I needed to,” Zhao said. “I got my forehand and I paid attention to . . . hitting.”
Jiang and Zhao both won their first two sets because a player on the opposing team sustained an injury.
Senior David Chonanyan says his goal for this season is to win all the matches and he felt good after this match.