With the holidays coming around, many find all types of ways to display their holiday spirit, and one of these is showing off their creativity. This is exactly what the Malden Housing Authority had in mind when they decided to host their Annual Craft Fair giving artists and crafters an opportunity to showcase their holiday spirits through their creativity.
Doors opened at 9:00 in the morning December 10th to those who wanted to come and purchase a possible Christmas gift. Vendors and crafters had multiple tables scattered around the club room each selling items they put together themselves, of course all holiday related. You could pretty much find anything worth gifting to loved ones at this craft fair from hats to mugs to candles.
It means so much for the people who make these crafts to see others happy. Grace Leyk, who was selling crocheted hats, gloves, and scarfs that she makes, said “I think people like a little extra things to decorate or maybe a gift for a family member, one lady today bought a bag for a little girl that she’s going to send to Michigan from Massachusetts so it means a lot to me.”

Leyk also manages to be inclusive with her prices saying “professional people would say, you have to charge twice the amount of your materials. But a lot of my materials I use are leftovers from other things like little bags of coin purses, so I can charge less on those. I charge what I think I would pay for it.” It is always nice to know that the business you’re supporting is not wasting anything.
Linda Fasfiano, who was also at the craft fair selling anything from headbands to facemasks, said that “craft fairs have run better in the past, to be completely honest with you, but this year I can feel the spirit with what we have so that’s all that matters.”
Just from walking around the room for the first ten minutes, I was greeted with welcoming smiles and goodie bags full of sweet treats handmade. It showed what the event was really for, which was to put a smile on people’s faces for the holiday season because although we don’t all celebrate, everyone can appreciate a gift from a loved one.