With the school year halfway done, Malden High School’s Youth Civic Council is looking toward the future by recruiting more members and creating a Malden Youth Council Committee for the whole of Malden’s students to have, to voice their opinions and ideas. Led by four officers Arya Shah and Ethan Wong, alongside Lead Reporters for The Blue and Gold Jessica Li and Mack Keating, they work to establish a better city.
The council maintains a relaxed atmosphere while still getting work done, as stated by Ethan Wong, one of the officers, “We’re pretty chill and laid back. We do still get our work done and everything, but we want to keep the environment more casual so no one feels uncomfortable.”
The current goal of the Youth Council is to bring the Malden Youth Committee to city hall in order to be created and put into action. This will take youths between 13-18 years old from all wards of Malden in hopes of giving more voice to students across the city. In order to do this, the council has been in deep discussions with Malden Councillor Karen Colón Hayes to bring this committee into existence. This committee will advocate for issues and make changes within the community for the betterment of Malden.
A resolve drafted by Colón Hayes was previously brought to City Council but was tabled until further notice. MYCC’s goal is to better prepare and amend the resolve to help the resolve pass.

During the meetings without Colón Hayes, the club has been partnering with the Sustainable Development Goals club to curb plastic waste around Malden and in the high school. Wong specifically commented on the cafeteria saying how “we want to try to limit the plastic that’s been used in the cafeteria since there is a lot of plastic waste.”
Nicholas Duggan, a member of the club, mentioned how they have met with important figures, such as Mayor Gary Christenson and city councilors, working towards a greener Malden with a stronger youth voice. Duggan’s favorite part of the club is meeting with his friends and working with the city to help out wherever he can.
Succeeding Greg Hurley, Jessie Belfer is drawn to helping students get involved in civic action and make their voices heard. She remarked on how independent the students are. She explained that her role is to help them prioritize their work and ensure newcomers feel welcomed: “Civics is one way that students can get involved in, you know, find out how their government works and make their voices heard. I think that’s a positive thing to try.” Belfer looks forward to seeing where the club’s efforts take them, and they are always accepting new members.
Shah, a third-year member of the club, mentioned how the club has a great amount of engagement and how it can make a serious impact on the community. Shah’s job this year has been recruiting more members into the club to grow their influence and bolster their numbers.
The club meets during Enrichment and after school on Wednesdays in Belfer’s room in B234. More information can also be found on their Instagram account.