Malden High Celebrates Women’s History Month

All photos taken by Beatriz Oliveira.

Every year during the month of March there is a nationwide celebration of women’s history that hopes to highlight and honor the achievements of women over the years in society. 

This officially began as a national celebration known as Women’s History Week after Congress passed a law in 1981 allowing for the President to announce this holiday the following year on March 7th, of 1982. According to the Women’s History Month website, this went on for a couple of years until 1987 when the National Women’s History Project petitioned for Women’s History Week to become Women’s History Month. Congress once again passed a law that allowed for March to be celebrated as Women’s History Month ever since.

These changes have had a great impact on how women are treated in today’s society. Senior and Vice President of the Feminism Club, Isabella Ivy, said, “I think Women’s History Month inspires women through the stories of innovation. Women’s suffrage is well known but it can be extra inspiring to hear about women who not only fought for equal rights but used their intellect and creativity to change the world whether it be through literature, science, etc.” 

Ivy continued, “Women’s History Month is an opportunity to have better visibility for women around the world and the problems that they face. Telling women’s stories during Women’s History Month makes it easier to spread these stories and the successes and challenges that different groups of women have faced throughout history and to this day.”

Over the years, Malden High School has done multiple things to join in this month’s celebration of women’s history. Christopher Mastrangelo, MHS principal, thought to invite multiple women-owned businesses on the 31st of March to celebrate women’s history in front of cafeteria B.

However, only one business could make an appearance, Tailored For Success by Elizabeth Hart. She explained that her business is a nonprofit organization that gives low-income women and men career coaching and professional development. They provide three services: workshops, a career closet for women and men, and a women’s veterans program called Boots to Suits.

Elizabeth Hart presenting her business to students.

Hart first started her career as a community project to give suits to women who were going back into the workforce. “I just fell in love with helping people and giving people career information that they didn’t get when they were younger, and decided to start my own business as my own nonprofit,” said Hart. 

When describing this journey, Hart believed the best analogy would be a roller coaster. “There’s been peaks and valleys but overall, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve been doing this for 22 years and my previous jobs were in law. I was a paralegal working downtown, [in a] big law firm, lots and lots of money, but very unhappy because it was very stressful. The stress that I get now is different and I’m pursuing my passion every day so I love it,” said Hart. She continued to explain that her passion is helping people and now she has a mission to help empower women and men who are less fortunate. “I think everyone should have at least one cheerleader,” said Hart.

Elizabeth Hart explaining her business’ purpose.

This celebration has been around for a long time causing people to forget why it began. Women’s History goes back generations but not once should it be neglected. “It’s still very important for Women’s History Month to be remembered because it’s often an ignored aspect of history. It’s important to remember what strides women have made towards equality but also for the betterment of society,” said Ivy.

Although it’s believed to be a month when people think about women’s accomplishments, Hart doesn’t believe this history should only be celebrated once a year. “I think it should be year-round. Women do a lot more than take care of their families and work. They do both and I think women are underrepresented in higher-paying jobs. They get paid less, and I think if you look at what women do all year round, then things would be better. Not just one month,” said Hart.

“I think everyone should have at least one cheerleader.”


Since it’s only nationally celebrated one month per year, not many people are aware of Women’s History which is something many people are trying to change. Ivy believed that there are still other ways this month could teach others about its history. “I would probably find ways to incorporate it more into classrooms. It shouldn’t be something that is just recognized by the Feminism Club or Social Studies teachers. It should be recognized by everyone,” explained Ivy. 

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