Bake sales have become a staple in many of the clubs offered here at Malden High. As an effort to satisfy our sweet tooth, members of Key Club came together to organize their first bake sale of the year.

This past Tuesday, the main lobby was swarmed with students alongside faculty looking to buy a variety of desserts such as brownies, cupcakes, matcha cookies, chocolate chip cookies, etc–all being sold for $1-2.

Secretary Tyler Edmond, emphasized how all the money earned from the bake sales goes towards the club’s funding. “We use bake sales and other bake sale events to help aid for sweatshirts and packages that come with the national Key Club organization, we also use this money to help aid for graduation sashes for our graduating members.” Prior to this school year, all Key Club members were required to pay approximately $20 to help cover any expenses that they have. This year, however, the cost has dropped to $7 as a result of the hard work and dedication done by members of Key Club.
It’s no secret that bake sales are the most commonly used method of fundraising for lots of clubs offered at Malden High, part of this is due to the efficiency of the bake sales as they provide both delicious treats for students and staff, as well as an interactive and community-building opportunity for all Key Club members. “I think that this is a really fun way so that people can bake what they want… and we can all help out. At the end of the day, it’s really just about ‘easability’ and a way to unite Key Club,” said Vice President Makeila Scott.

As the year continues, be on the lookout for upcoming fundraising events from Malden High’s Key Club as they promise to continue to deliver more interactive events like this for the sake of their club and the student body’s enjoyment.