Malden High School has given a warm welcome to the new math teacher Rachel Euell, and only a month into the school year, students and staff already consider her a faculty favorite.
Euell is originally from Warwick, Rhode Island. She went to college at Emmanuel College in Boston and double majored in mathematics and secondary education. Here, she met Joshua Kolodny, a fellow math teacher at Malden High School; they have been friends for over six years. Kolodny talked highly of the school to Euell and she said she just had to come give it a try.
Euell did not know she wanted to be a math teacher until she spent some time in college, as history was her favorite subject in high school. Euell was also a student athlete, competing in cross country and swimming. She said she loved swimming and was pretty good at it and did cross country for fun.
In Euell’s past occupations, she worked as a swim instructor and at Newbury Comics. She stated, “I loved those jobs, but they weren’t something I wanted to do forever.”

Euell taught middle school in Lynn for three years before coming to Malden. Her experience in teaching was something the hiring committee took into consideration. “She taught at another school, so she brings in some ideas that could be new to our department,” said Elizabeth Tirell, a math teacher at MHS.
Although Euell is said to be a fun teacher, she has class rules. Euell mentioned how she always wants her students to take the passes when leaving and upholds a strict tardy rule. She stated, “What’s the point of being in school if you’re not going to come to class?”
Everyone seems to agree on one thing: her energy is one of her best traits. “She has such a unique and warm personality that it is easy to connect with her,” said Gustavo Henrique Pereira Batista, one of her students as well as a member of the Blue and Gold.
The hiring committee mentioned a lot of things about Euell, but one specific highlight is how well she did in her class demo. “The kids were really engaged, they really liked her energy,” said Chris Giordano, a math 2 and statistics teacher.
Hiring the right person can be difficult, but Euell stood out in all the right ways. Brunelli House Principal Ewald Charles said, “We want people who really care about the kids and she demonstrated just that in her interview.”
Kolodny mentioned how passionate Euell is when it comes to math. Euell herself said she loves algebra and, “the more complicated it is the more fun they get.”
Euell loves all her students and the school. She loves how respectful and engaged everyone is with her. Although she did get lost in the first few weeks, she thinks she has adapted well and cannot wait to continue the school year.