After the win of 21-14 at the homecoming football game last Thursday, October 12th, the official homecoming dance was finally hosted. This year’s homecoming took place on October 13th, where students experienced an enchanting night in the Malden High School courtyard, surrounded by lovely fairy-like decor in support of the Enchanted Forest theme.
Hosted by the Class of 2024 the event proved to be a great success with a great turnout of MHS students clad in their nicest attire and ready for the night’s festivities.

“I’m really thrilled to be here at homecoming, preparing for it, and student council was so exciting, like, preparing the photo booth, the perfect music, the tickets were so fun to create, they’re just so creative,” says Tyler Edmond, one of the event coordinators of the Class of 2024 who worked alongside Erikah Macharia the other event coordinator to help bring the night together. “I’m really excited to be part of the court. It’s an honor,” Edmond said.
The event offered a variety of good foods, which were distributed with the help of a variety of different volunteers from the Class of 2024. “Being a part of homecoming has been really great, very nice people, the energy here has been great, everyone here is having a blast, and everyone here is super respectful,” described Rodrigo Oliveira, one of the volunteers.

Different volunteers and court members. EMILLY WEIHRAUCH and KAMANI GOMES
As a part of the traditional idea of homecoming parties across the United States, four students from each grade were nominated for the homecoming court, making a total of 16 students.
“I was very excited, I was so thankful that my friends voted for me; it was honestly a great experience,” said Jhillian Rose Dumo, one of the freshman who was nominated for homecoming court, “I felt like I was in High School Musical.”

The event also received some applause and praise from the Malden High principal, Chris Mastrangelo. “The senior class advisors and the kids did all the work. I think it’s great, anytime we can have a fun night. School should be fun!” Mastrangelo said.
“We should have more fun activities and the senior class did a great job putting this together. We’ve got 300 kids here, everybody’s having a good time, I love it,” Mastrangelo added.

Groups of different students posing with their friends at the dance. EMILLY WEIHRAUCH and KAMANI GOMES
While the opinions of many students differed, many students believed the same about the party. “I think homecoming was very good and fun and whoever made the playlist did a very good job,” mentioned Aliana Lloyd.
Overall, homecoming allowed for great memories to be made at the start of the 2023-2024 school year.