On Thursday, October 26th during Advisory, for the very first time elections were held to elect the student council for the class of 2026. As anticipation grew among students to hear the results, at the end of the day Principal Chris Mastrangelo announced the council members.
As of the end of last year, the class of 2026 were scouting for advisors but the positions weren’t solidified until this year. Nancy Wentworth and Christopher Cornett chose to fulfill those positions and to guide the student council. This year’s student council includes President Eldana Abrhame, Vice President Rashmi KC, Secretary Gabriela Parini Cordova, Treasurer Oscar Luc, Social Media Coordinator Sarah Fontaim, Art Director Mailee To, and Event Coordinators Linh Do and Katie Nguyen.

After the elections, the council wasted no time in beginning their journey. On Monday, October 30th, the class of 2026 held their very first bake sale in the main lobby as well as the Holland building entrance. Halloween-themed treats all at the price of two dollars were offered as well as homemade cake pops, Rice Krispie treats, and chocolate-covered Oreos that were made by Wentworth. ”We knew we needed to raise money as quickly as possible, and I personally love baking and since Halloween was the closest event after electing student council we just decided to take advantage of the opportunity.” said by one of the class advisors, Nancy Wentworth.
For the past two weeks at Malden High, there hasn’t seemed to be a week where bake sales weren’t being held after school. However, what differentiated this bake sale from any other, was the mystery treat which could only be won through reciting the code. The first person who were to come to one of the stands and say, “bhocolate bip bookie”, received a free treat.

Linh Do, who is one of the coordinators said, ”I really looked up to the upperclassmen student council as I watched them coordinate so many fun events so I wanted to be able to do the same and make school life enjoyable, whether they’re after school or during school.” With the use of inspiration from their upperclassmen peers, their first bake sale was successful regardless of the lack of time they had to plan and advertise. ”The bake sale was a great success, we exceeded our expectations greatly.”
”We are hoping to be successful but most of all we’re looking to build students happiness, joy, and excitement to come to school and not dreading 7 AM everyday while coming to school.” said by President Eldana Abhrame who later on confirmed that the Spring Soiree will be hosted by the class of 2026 council later on in the year. This uniquely styled bake sale is only the beginning of all the fun and interesting events that the class of 2026 is promising to deliver.