Waina Coles also contributed to this article.
For upperclassmen, college representative visits have proved to be very important. Students are able to access the college representative visit schedules on the College and Career Center Google Classroom, on Naviance, or simply by stopping B337 and talking with the College and Career Counselors Michelle Sun, and Melissa Loftus.

These visits provide a lot of help to students who are having trouble figuring out what schools interest them, as they can now hear directly from representatives, without having to go anywhere. The counselors’ Sun and Loftus choose which colleges to get in contact with, based on “how interested the kids are in the school,” said Sun.
Sun also explained that “the more interest we show in a certain college, the more likely they are going to come.” In order to make things more accessible to students Sun and Loftus have assembled information on Naviance in order to help the students learn more about the school.
Rayyan Vahora, a senior, has attended quite a few of these visits, “to gain more knowledge in learning about my major and the environment, as well as find out if that college would be best fitted for me with the major I am interested in.”

The more interest that students show in different colleges the more likely the school will be able to have different college admission representatives visit Malden High. “It is extremely important to attend college visits as I was able to ask questions about my major and see if they specialize in it, Seeing if it is best suited for me, As they provide me with some support and clarity during this last-minute application that I am doing,” Vahora said. She explained that as a senior college representative visits helped her be able to ask questions and get answers that college sites might not have the answer for.
When it comes to preparing for college, and other post-secondary plans it is important to use your resources wisely by stopping by B337 for some college and career advice.