Passed in the Massachusetts Senate in November, Massachusetts Senator Jason Lewis thinks that the Fair Share Amendment is a home run for the state of Massachusetts.
What is the Fair Share Amendment?
Created by Lewis, who represents the people of the Fifth Middlesex District of Massachusetts—which includes the cities and towns of Malden, Melrose, Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield and parts of Winchester—this amendment would not only tax those who make a million dollars or more a year, but also allow Massachusetts residents 25 or older to be able to attend community college for free. The Amendment has already provided 62 million dollars in financial aid to 25,000 students.
The amendment also rids students and families from paying for school breakfast and lunch by making it no longer income-based. It is simply free for all.
Additionally, the Fair Share Amendment is trying to cover public transportation but needs more money. According to NBC Boston, analysis shows that 25 billion dollars is needed to repair the MBTA system.
Senator Lewis, who was born in South Africa in the early 70s, has grown a strong foundation for social equality and justice. With that, he’s also expressed the need for housing within Massachusetts to help combat the rising housing crisis, stating, “We are short at least 200,000 housing units.” However, Senator Lewis has a goal to build more affordable housing to accommodate those with financial need.
To address the Massachusetts housing crisis, lawmakers are attempting to pass bills and amendments to better the state, which can be accomplished by citizens who exercise their political voice.

(Left) View of the stained glass mural in the rotunda of the State House. (Right) A view of the seats in the Massachusetts State House. AIDEN LUCIANO