The SDG club is holding a cookie decorating event at Malden High School Cafeteria A on March 5th, 2024. They will be selling tickets from the 26th of February until the 4th of March leading up to the event. The officers chose to host this event to create a fun environment for people to unwind and have some good natured fun.
The idea of hosting this event originally stemmed from the officers wanting to host a fun Valentine’s Day event. However, with the amount of fundraiser’s happening during February they decided to delay the event until the first week of March. Through this event the club wants to hopefully donate to different organizations, hold more events in the near future, and buy graduation sashes for the graduating officers.
The SDG club was founded in the middle of the school year of 2022-2023 by Saia Hussain and her best friend Angelina Feng, and is advised by History teacher James Hill who met the girls in class last year. “I find it enjoyable since most of the club officers are my former students and it’s been nice to watch them act in leadership roles,” said Hill.

The SDG club, “has supported a variety of good causes and it’s gratifying to be part of that effort,” said Hill, referring to the variety of different organizations that SDG club has donated its funds to.
Even though they do not have as many members as they would hope to have, the officers and advisor have remained optimistic. “MHS which already has a lot of commitments between school work, sports, extracurricular activities, and outside jobs, so there’s a lot of competition for people’s attention. That being said, active membership with the club has grown,” Hill expressed. Even though their members are limited they are pushing and working hard to make sure this event is a success.
All cookie decorating items will be provided to people who buy a ticket prior to the event, additionally they will be provided with different colors of icing, and sprinkles to decorate with. People can enjoy a small variety of refreshments as they decorate their cookies. This event is not only open to students but also staff at MHS. For more information about this event or how to buy a ticket, check out their Instagram page @malden.sdgclub.