Students Share Thoughts on Ramadan

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Hijri calendar and is one of the five pillars of Islam. During this time of the year, Muslims “fast” by not eating or drinking water from sunrise to sunset. They do this to get closer to Allah (God in the Arabic language), and to practice self-discipline. This is a time where Muslims increase their faith and remind themselves to be grateful for everything they have. This year, those who participate start their fast roughly around 5 am and hold it until 7 pm, although the time differentiates each day as the daytime gets longer. 

During this month people are still obligated to fast even with school. With that being said, many students in Malden High School are fasting. Ammar Ibrahim stated, “I think Ramadan is a very great way to get in shape and spiritually connect with Allah, even though it can also be very hard due to school and sports along with the hunger and thirst.” It differs across people. While fasting Muslims have five obligatory prayers they fulfill. They have them with or without Ramadan, known as Fajr, Dhur, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. Once again all their times differ as the daytime increases. 

During Ramadan, Muslims find the most sense of community. They go to taraweeh: a prayer that is done after they pray the last prayer of the day, Isha. Although it is not an obligation on Muslims, Mosques are filled with people during the night time in Ramadan. This is because of the amount of peace Muslims find in the remembrance of Allah, and the month of Ramadan. 

‘Ramadan this month was way better than previous years. I felt more connected with my friends and family than ever, which is one of the main points of this month,” said Annas Sekhri. During Ramadan, a lot of people gather as families and eat, or eat at their local mosques since many provide food for Muslims to break their fast every day. This food is also given out for free. Mosques like AICP Revere, American Muslim Center Everett, and Malden masjid all contribute to this act.

“‘I feel that Ramadan is such a peaceful month where I get to connect with Allah more despite how hard it can be with school, sports, and work. Ramadan makes me feel a sense of accomplishment in a unique way. Although it can be challenging at times, what excites me most is all the blessings that come during Ramadan and the way we as Muslims have the opportunity to get closer to Allah,” stated sophomore Nour Jaayfer. Ramadan is tiring for most people, but that is also one of the points: there is a lot of self-discipline involved in this month, and this helps Muslims grow as people. 

“I think Ramadan is such an amazing time of year in which Muslims come together to grow emotionally and spiritually. It’s beautiful to see communities all over the world come together during Iftars, and Taraweeh prayers to support each other as One Ummah. Though the time is going really fast I have really enjoyed it and am so excited for next Ramadan!” Explained Hadjar Yousfi, Editor-in-Chief of the Blue and Gold. She also mentioned, “This Ramadan the MSA has been working on more Outreach, we’ve made Goodie Bags to give out to the little kids at Eid Prayer, and we are hosting an event at MHS for young children from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in order to celebrate Eid and Ramadan with them.” 

Ramadan really is a time Muslims try and connect together and gather. “Overall, I just hope that everyone enjoyed their time this Ramadan and that they truly felt as though they were able to grow as a person while sharing their love with others,” said Yousfi. 

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