Malden High’s Field Hockey Team Stays Optimistic After First Loss

Although Malden High’s varsity field hockey team had a rough start to the season, with their first games, they have persevered to stay motivated to win future games. With the team adding many new players to the roster this year, and many seniors now graduated, it has been a challenge for the team, yet they still continue to put their all into every game. 

“Most of the team is new, so they are inexperienced, and what we have been trying to do is put them with returning players. We tried to put all the returning players in the most important rows, like, center, mid, and forward,” senior captain Stanley Jiang mentioned. Although it has been a struggle for the team, they have worked on helping the new additions play at their best, making do with the players who are still learning. Through practices and pairing new and experienced players, Jiang and Coaches Tiffany Cane and Daniel O’Toole have worked to push through this difficult period of new members and seniors going further leading their team to victory.

Coaches Daniel O’toole and Tiffany Cane during team huddle. DANI LICONA-CRUZ.

Malden started the season rough with a loss against North Reading on September 19th. Despite their loss, Malden put their all into the game and fought hard to show North Reading they were a fighting team. As the game progressed Malden’s defense challenged North Reading, a team known to be tough to play against. 

“North Reading is a very difficult team. So I know that we’re going to be extremely challenged today, and I know that we might not get the outcome that we would wish for, but my goal for today is to learn,” Coach Cane said. 

#10, Kevin Hoang, prepares to make a sideline shot. DANI LICONA-CRUZ.

With a new year comes a new coach as former field hockey coach Samantha Souza takes a temporary leave, Malden High’s Class of 24 alumnus Daniel O’Toole takes a shot at being Malden High’s newest field hockey coach. With this new position, O’Toole comes into his first season as a coach positively excited for the new experiences in his position. 

“You know, you’re used to being on the field and going through all the warm-ups and going through all the exercises and going through all the drills and messing around with your teammates. And now the reality is you, you’re a coach, you’re on the other side of it,” said O’Toole. To hear more about his historic new position read this article.

Coach Daniel O’Toole observing from the sidelines. DANI LICONA-CRUZ.

With a new season ahead, coaches and captains have many goals for the future of the team and push towards them every day. 

“Number one goal would be winning the GBL again for the sixth year in a row. And then I tell the kids every year, I don’t want to lose that stream. We have to keep pushing. We got to keep getting better. We got to keep showing who Malden field hockey is,” Coach Cane said. Through motivation and teamwork, Coach Cane and O’Toole have been working hard towards this as they continue to train their team hard through difficulties throughout the season. They have not let these hold them back as Coach Cane is determined to keep the six-year GBL streak.  

With new goals in the air, and new members learning and growing, the Malden High field hockey team works its way to success. Despite the difficulty following the opening of the season they still keep each other motivated to bring their A game everyday.

 “I just want to keep up the streak, at least for this year because I’m graduating as well, so I want to make this year the best,” Jiang concluded.

Team huddle after the first period. DANI LICONA-CRUZ.

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