Ivana Marinkovic and Ella Yu Girls’ Cross Country Captains Profile

With the cross-country season flying by, it is important to give recognition to girls’ senior captains Ivana Marinkovic and Ella Yu. Beyond their undeniable speed, they play a notable role in the Malden High Girls’ Cross Country Team’s triumph.

Both captains make sure that all of their teammates’ well-being comes before the running itself. “I put the teammate aspect of cross country first and make sure that I am not being pushy,” said Marinkovic. Yu agreed, adding on that it is important to “create a fun environment for them, make it fun, and always show up with a positive attitude so that I know it’s a good environment and safe place they could be.” 

The Girls’ Varsity team before their race. From left to right: Yingyan Xia, Ian Ian Ho, Ivana Marinkovic, Hadjar Yousfi, Emma Spignese-Smolinsky. NATHAN DEAN

Sophomore Lilian Fang expressed that she believes the captains “care about showing empathy to others, no matter their physical abilities.”

The captains’ determination led them on the path of becoming leaders of the team. They made sure to show up to every practice and meet despite their scholarly responsibilities and personal lives. “I have been able to participate in cross country every day despite being committed to other club sports’ practices immediately afterward,” stated Marinkovic. Thus, it truly showed my dedication to the team.”  Their main goal was putting the cross-country team first, which ultimately benefited them.

Being able to find a balance between being authoritative and friendly is crucial to the team. The captains make sure to always listen to their teammates and put their best efforts into the sport. They do not see their roles of being captains as “taking charge,” but rather as keeping the team as one and acknowledging that everyone’s opinions matter.

Caaptain Ivana MaSlade Harding (left) and Ivana Marinkovic (right) pose with their medals. NATHAN DEAN. 

Their goal for the team overall is to have each member improve throughout every race and finish the season knowing that they genuinely enjoyed participating. “I want each member to be satisfied with what they have achieved for themselves and recognize their contributions to the team, as well as wanting them to have a positive outlook about cross country and all that it entails,” said Marinkovic. 

Marinkovic and Yu enjoy every aspect of their duties as captains. Both girls have created strong bonds with their teammates and maintained a friendly environment. They have managed to work together to avoid conflict, showcasing admirable teamwork.

Marinkovic concluded that “there have been no major conflicts within the cross country team, which is why it is so extraordinary; the captains work hard to maintain organization and ensure that the entire team is up for the workouts at practice.” Both captains are hopeful that they can continue their ways of leadership throughout the rest of the season and pass it on to the rising seniors of next year.

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