With the holiday season and winter break just around the corner, Glamour Pals’ dedicated their first event to spreading the positive spirit of this time of year to Malden’s Senior Center, which doubles as the Malden Teen Enrichment Center.
On Friday, December 20th, the club participated in pampering the seniors and painting their nails while partaking in heartfelt conversations.
“Glamour Pals is really special in the way that we connect two generations together, and how, despite the feminine appearance of it—being the makeovers and nail polish—we do have people from both genders which is great to see,” expressed senior Sarah Pham, President of the Glamour Pals Club.
The Glamour Pals Club strives to “deepen their connections with the seniors,” as stated by senior Vice President Helen Xie. “I felt a deeper connection to my city and my community, not only because I was able to talk to people of different backgrounds, but I was able to talk to someone who resonated with me too because we spoke the same language.”
“Last year, we went to the Forestdale senior home,” recalled junior Gabriella Lemus, who has been an active club member since her sophomore year. “I just liked hearing about all these different seniors and what their lives were like, and helping make them smile.”

Junior Oscar Luc shared a similar feeling. He stated that he likes the club because he can have fun by “making friends that are not specifically around my age, and it’s just such a fun time communicating with them.”
The club saw a great turnout on this snowy day, with many new—as well as returning—members coming together to celebrate the path between two generations. Many of the new members consisted of freshmen who came across this club through the activities fair hosted at the beginning of the school year.
“I was nervous at first, definitely, because I was like, ‘I’ve never done this before,’ but it’s very rewarding because you just made a friend! We never ran out of things to talk about,” exclaimed freshman Finn Queen.

“I think it’s really cute, and the overall message of the club is heartwarming,” expressed freshman Lillyanna Keogh, who discovered the club alongside Queen. “It was really nice knowing that a club like this exists.”
Overall, the successful event ended with many smiles and beaming satisfaction from the senior citizens, who received a nice afternoon filled with meaningful conversations and empowering self-confidence. Club members shared the seniors’ sense of satisfaction for being able to create a calming environment and provide positive contributions to the Senior Center.

The Glamour Pals meet every other Thursday in room H302. Be sure to check out their Instagram at @glamourpalsmhs for more information and updates on their future events!