As the 2024-2025 school year continues to march toward its end, the freshman Class of 2028 has rooted itself into Malden High School. Undoubtedly, the transition from middle school to high school can be an uncomfortable one. Yet, as their freshman year comes to an end, they have surely created new connections and experiences.
In a slight change from the usual creation of student councils in sophomore year, the previous Class of 2024 advisors, Shannon Votaw and Kristen Kirby, decided to jump right into advising the current freshman class.
The current Class of 2028 student council consists of “anybody that is in the freshman class that is willing to and able to participate in helping out,” remarked Votaw. She went on to explain the current lack of officers: “We didn’t think it was right to have elections before the students got to know each other, so we just called it the student council.”

Despite the current lack of officers, the Class of 2028 can look forward to elections for officers next school year. Many freshmen are already planning on running for a position in the council. “If I had to pick, I would run for social media coordinator,” stated freshman Loza Bisetegne.
The lack of officers does not interfere with the council’s ability to collaborate and create amazing events, as the Class of 2028 threw a successful hot cocoa bar in December. The council sold hot cocoa, perfect for the chilly weather, outside the main office with add-ons such as whipped cream and peppermints for $2-$3. “We wanted to just do something to raise a little bit of money, for different things, and to try and bring the class together,” recalled Votaw.
While reminiscing on what the Class of 2028 has done, Kirby acknowledged, “We haven’t done much yet, but we are very pleased with what we have done. We had a very successful Spirit Week, coming in second place and coming within just a few points of beating the seniors.”
One thing MHS can look forward to is the Harlem Wizards vs. Faculty game on April 6th, which will be run by the Class of 2028. Kirby and Votaw started this successful fundraiser last year with the Class of 2024 by contacting the Harlem Wizards. “Ms. Kirby and I contacted the Wizards and said that we wanted to do it again,” Votaw announced.

For the Wizards game, having plenty of volunteers is a must. Bisetegne and freshman Tenzin Tseten are one of many planning to help out. “I helped out creating posters for the Wizards game, and I plan on volunteering to help out,” exulted Bisetegne.
During the game, Kirby and Votaw are planning on partnering up with a non-profit organization called For the Kids, started by 2012 graduates of MHS and former students of Kirby and Votaw. The non-profit organization is planning on creating scholarships where all profits will be donated back to Malden students.

Tickets for the Harlem Wizards game will be on sale starting in mid-March. For more information on the upcoming plans of the student council, you can follow them on Instagram @maldenco28.