Softball: Q and A with senior Jillian Powers

Q: What was it like playing softball at MHS?

A: Playing softball was the best experience at MHS. My love for the sport grew and I had the time of my life


Q: How long have you played softball?

A: I’ve been playing softball since I was 4 years old


Q:What is your favorite thing about the softball?

A: My favorite thing about the sport is the friendships that are made. I think we will be really good this season, we work really well together.


Q: What are your plans after high school?

A: I am going to Framingham State University and I am majoring in early childhood.


Q: What advice would you give the underclassmen on the team?

A: Advice I would give the underclassmen is to do what you love and have fun doing it, no matter what that sport is.


Q: What will you miss about MHS?

A: I will miss the friendships I’ve made at MHS as well as the teachers.


Q: Would you play softball in college?

A: Maybe club softball!


Jasmine Kelly Q: How do you view Powers as a player?

A: I think she is a really talented as well as a good team player. I can always count on her to feel welcome and help me with anything I need help on and off the field


Coach Timmons Q: What advice  would you give Powers for the future?

A:I would tell her to follow her dreams and focus on her studies! To cherish every moment because the four years fly by very fast and to not take any moment for granted! Tell her to give her 110% effort into whatever she does! To continue to be a caring and trusting friend as well as a teammate if she chooses to continue to play softball at Framingham State university!


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