Trivia night took place on Tuesday Mar. 15, 2016 where students and teachers gathered in teams to compete against each other on a variety of topics. Senior Sarah Rosatone explained, “[They] did eight different rounds on different topics of questions,” including pop culture, history, and science.
Senior Terrica Dang and Rosatone decided to organize trivia night as their service project for National Honors Society. The money earned from the entrance fee was donated to a foundation to support veterans.
Dang commented that trivia night “was more successful than [they] expected” with a total of seven teams in attendance. The trivia competition got very heated and competitive after the first few questions. “[She] think[s] during the third question where teams started to get answers wrong is when it started to get more competitive,” stated Dang.
History teacher Damian Aufiero was on the winning team that included juniors Felicia Lombardi, Phuong Nguyen, Vivian Nguyen, Stephen Deng, and Cleverina Cong.
Overall the trivia night was a success in funding money to support veterans as well as bringing Malden High School staff and students together.