Top Ten: #10 Emma Ceplinskas

Emma Ceplinskas, a Blue and Gold member, a captain of the tennis team, and an active student, is saying goodbye to high school and starting a new journey at Denison University in Granville, Ohio.

Ceplinskas made her four years at Malden High School memorable by playing for the soccer team her freshman, the tennis team all four years, the chemistry club, the helping hands club, and the Blue and Gold. Outside of school, she horseback rides from time to time, and explained that she, “[likes] being outdoors in general, whether it’s just on [her] back porch listening to music or in Boston walking around in the Common.”

Out of all her classes, Ceplinskas feels that AP Chemistry,  AP Physics, and AP Literature were her top favorites. She explained that these classes were special because of, “the way in which the teachers taught them to make it more exciting for the class.” She also explained that MHS physics teacher Brian Morrison made AP Physics enjoyable because, “[he] is a funny person in general.”

When asked about her academic achievements, Ceplinskas stated that receiving a scholarship from the Posse Foundation was her biggest one of all. Posse scholarships are given to students in urban areas like Malden. The scholarship was given to ten other students at MHS, including Madeline Lam who is also in the top 10. She expressed that the scholarship had, “[given her] a sense of closure at a stressful part of senior year during the college application process and has supported [her] financially as well as emotionally as [she transitions] into college.”

Ceplinskas has not yet decided on a major yet, but she is not particularly worried or stressing over it. She explained that, “[she is] not entirely certain what field [she wants] to focus on,” but the positive side to this is that she has more, “leniency in [her] studies so that [she] can explore different interests rather than merely be exposed to one field.” She hopes that whatever career she decides to work towards in college, she will have one that is “flexible and allows [her] to travel.”

Ceplinskas will most of all miss her favorite part about high school: the friends she has made over these four years. She stated that she will not only miss the students she has become closer with, but also the MHS staff members. These friends, through both extracurriculars and through academia, have made high school all the more enjoyable for the top student.


Senior Emma Ceplinskas. Photo by Ailin Toro.
Senior Emma Ceplinskas.
Photo by Ailin Toro.

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