Sophomore Nathaniel Victor hitting the ball with a forward hand. Photo by Subin Bastola.
As the spring sport season begins, junior and captain Victor Teague is one of the only three returning players on the boys tennis. Having been playing tennis for six years prior, Teague is enjoying his second year as a member of the Malden High School boys tennis team.
When asked about what inspired him to play tennis, he credited his inspiration to his brother. He explained, his brother was doing “really great” and he thought “[he] can do whatever his brother can do” and that’s how his interest in the sport began. He also added that, his previous coach was also an inspiration as he made him believe that “[he] can do really good.” Teague was also motivated by the backhand shot and the overall unremitting play of one of the all time great tennis players, Roger Federer.

While explaining about his goal for the season Teague stated that as a team, “[they] need to go through lots of drills and get in the right form.” He mentioned that as an individual, “[he] would like to improve his second serve” and make it “much better.” He explained that this is because he currently has a “killer first serve,”but when it comes to the second one “it’s like giving away the points.”
One of the returning players sophomore Thomas Tran has lot to say about his captain. He praised that “he is a supportive captain who has always been friendly to fellow teammates.” He added that, “Teague prior formal training and teaches a lot of basics to newcomers.” Tran believed that “Teague is going to be a solid captain.”
Teague mentioned that “as there are a lot of new players” on the team and “one of the challenges is to discipline [themselves] with cardio and other workouts.” Teague also added that he was “scared” last year thinking that MHS was “not going to have a tennis team this year, since the majority of players graduated last year.” However, “[he] was very happy that they were able to create a team” and “get back to the court.”
Playing tennis has helped Teague discover his passion as “it keeps [him] fit and active” and “gives [him] something to daydream about.” Besides playing tennis, Teague also used to play soccer. However, he gave up the sport so that he could fully dedicate himself to tennis.