Code Lyoko is a French animated television series that became English dubbed when it was broadcasted on Cartoon Network. Each of the episodes are around 24 minutes long including the intro and ending credits.

Code Lyoko takes place in two different worlds. One world is the real world where the main characters live. The other world is where the characters go into to stop a coded evil named Xana. The world where they stop Xana is a virtual world. The virtual world was created by using a supercomputer made by my Aelita’s dad Franz Hopper. She got put into the virtual world by her father and then he shut down the supercomputer. The characters still do not know what had happened to Franz Hopper, the creator of the virtual world, the virtual world is called Lyoko.

The virtual world of Lyoko had five different sectors. One of the sectors name is called sector five. This sector allows them to enter different virtual worlds besides Lyoko. Sector five is also where the core of Lyoko is, which is the reason why they can go to different virtual worlds. The other four sectors are called the mountain sector, desert sector, ice sector, and the forest sector. Each of the sectors have different things in it. For example, the forest sector has lots of trees, while the ice sector has ice and chunks of ice on the ground.

Jeremy Belpois is one of the main characters who discovered where the supercomputer is and where the creator’s hideout was. He turns it on and finds Aelita Schaeffer who cannot escape the virtual world. He then discovers the computer to transport people into the virtual world and to get them out. Since the supercomputer was shut off, it lost the data for Aelita’s body. But she still has her avatar in the virtual world. They get into the virtual world by getting into pods, there are three pods for them to go to. When they go into the pod, Jeremy transfers their bodies into the virtual world.

In the virtual world they get avatars, and their avatars get special abilities and weapons. They use these weapons and abilities to help them defeat Xana’s minions. The minions defend towers that have been corrupted by Xana. Xana needs to activate these towers to grant himself power to stop the characters from stopping him. The only way to stop him is by Aelita going into the tower and resetting it. Since Aelita does not have powers, the other characters need to help her.

Jeremy then goes to school and asks people for help and sends them into the virtual world. He asked three students Yumi Ishiyama, Ulrich Stern, and Odd Della Robbia. They get sent to the world to stop Xana from causing trouble to people in the real world. When they go into the virtual world they are faster and stronger. When Yumi, Ulrich, and Odd first go into the virtual world they had a rough start. But they got used to it eventually and started to use their weapons to defeat Xana’s minions.

Xana has different kinds of minions to help him. For example, he has giant crabs, cubes, creepers, and more other creatures to help him fight or defend towers. Each of the minions have plus sides and downsides. Each of the minions has Xana’s symbol on them which is a weak point for them. The symbol is hard to hit for the characters. So the characters use their special abilities and weapons to help destroy the minions.

Yumi uses fans as weapons, and she has the special ability to control objects with her mind like telekinesis. Ulrich has a sword as a weapon and he is the fastest out of the characters. His special ability allows him to create two clones of himself to help take out minions. He also has a speed boost which he can activate to help him move faster. Odd has darts which he uses to shoot the minions from a long ranged distance. He can also use his claws as weapons to attack as well. His special ability is to climb walls and jump high similar to a cat.

Later in the series, a new character is introduced named William. He wants to help the group get Aelita out of the virtual world. William’s weapon is a big sword which he uses to take out Xana’s minions to help the group. His special ability is to be able to turn into smoke and can move around. He cannot be damaged or attack when he is using his special ability. But he gets caught by Xana and gets controlled by him and becomes his minion. His personality changes and his avatar also changes. He becomes stronger but he is forced to do Xana’s orders.

Later in the series, Aelita is able to get out of the virtual world into her old body. Jeremy was about to find a code to be able to take her out the Lyoko. When she goes back into the virtual world she is able to have powers and weapons to help her defeat Xana’s minions as well. She has these energy orbs and the longer she charges them out the more powerful it becomes. She also has the special ability to fly.

Each of them has one hundred life points, when they reach zero life points they devirtualized and get sent into the pods. They can also come back into the world by Jeremy devirtualizing them. When they get devirtualized their avatars disappears until they come back into the virtual world Lyoko.

My thoughts on the animated series is that it is really great to watch in your free time. If you like animated tv shows I highly suggest this show. It may be old, but the story and the characters are well developed and very interesting. My favorite character in the series would probably be Yumi. I think that her weapon is really cool and her special power as well. Her character is also an interesting one because it is so well developed. One of my favorite parts of the animated series is how each character helps further the plot and lets the view grow closer to the characters. It made me more invested in the story, because it made me want to help them.


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