About three years ago, Malden High School introduced a new program called ESL tutoring. This tutoring program is for students that spoke a different language before English and may still be learning a bit of the language.

The tutoring gives a more in-depth understanding to the students because it is usually only a few students to a teacher, so if a student has any questions about what is being asked of them, the teacher can help them understand what they are supposed to be doing in a clearer way. There are roughly three to five students for every teacher, so teachers can really help the students if they need it.

There is no signing up for the tutoring, all you have to do is show up in the library on the days that the subject is being taught. On Tuesday there is tutoring in English, Wednesday they tutor Science, and Thursday is History and Math. All these classes meet in the Malden High School library from 2:45-3:45. The program also offers peer tutoring for students that want to help their peers and even get some community service hours. Usually the tutoring starts in January, but this year it was decided that it would run all year. If you are interested in tutoring, contact Ms. Ceppetelli at her E-mail address aceppetelli@maldenps.org.

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