Girls Tennis: Hitting the Courts

Members of the girls tennis team participates in a doubles match. Photo by Jason Drapinski.

Amalia Quesada Nylen

This season looks to be promising for the Malden High School girls tennis team. Under the coaching and guidance of English teacher and returning coach Margaret Pettit, the girls are ready for a new and successful season. “I am looking forward to the start of our games,” stated Pettit. “Everyone is so determined this season and I know we are going to work extra hard to get even farther than we did last year,” sophomore Christine Le stated.

The team and Pettit are working to develop new strategies that will allow them to have an accomplished season, put them on the road towards the Greater Boston League Championship, and hopefully qualify for the state tournament.

“This year we are focusing on our strategy more. We will be spending more practices on technique to improve our playing,” Le stated. With so much to look ahead to, the girls are in need of great guidance not only from their coach, but from the captains as well. This year’s captains are seniors, Wendy Tse, Vivian Le, and junior Lisa DeLacey.

The girls also suffered from loss of senior players, including Alison Nguyen, Ivy Bui, and Danielle Ton. “They definitely left big shoes to fill and we will miss them,” Le continued, “but with some determination we will make them proud.” Time can only tell whether the girls will find success on the courts this season, but they have proved to be already on the right path by maintaining a positive outlook before the excitement has even begun.

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