The Class of ’25 Brings Back Officers for Senior Year

After a successful junior year, the Class of 2025 prepared to decide who would guide them through their senior year. Along with the numerous bake sales hosted by the class, the upcoming seniors were able to produce the 84th Annual Junior Varieties, from which they raised money that will help the class host future events including the homecoming and the prom. Leading into the election, although candidates were running for the first time, the majority of the candidates ran for reelection.

This group of people included current Class President Christina Anasthal, Vice President Saniah Charles, Secretary Sarah Pham, Treasurer Kevin Lin, JV Coordinators Bertha Jean Louis and Jennifer Slawson, Volunteer Coordinator Julianna Lin, and Social Media Coordinators Jessica Li and Jaslie Fang. 

Throughout the year, Anasthal made a good impression on her classmates and the class advisors Bobby Grinnell, a Spanish teacher at Malden High, and Courtney Braz, a History teacher at Malden High. Braz not only showed appreciation for the officer’s public presence but also for their dedication behind the scenes.

“For events like Red Carpet and concession stands, we would be working 16-hour days. It doesn’t happen if people don’t put in the work,” Anasthal explained. Although multiple students were running for roles with numerous spots, such as event coordinator, they all had different reasons for campaigning. “I like to plan things and think I’m pretty good at planning. I am also the event planner for Mr.Wong’s Hip-Hop Literature Class,” said Ashley Benfield, a new candidate for the class. 

Along with the strong dedication and charisma presented by these candidates, the class benefits from its size. The large population of students makes it easy to build awareness for upcoming events, further increasing financial success.

“There are a lot of juniors, when people show up, it becomes fun,” said Braz. And the class is still searching for support. Anyone who wants to support the class can join the Google Classroom with this code:m5dq7ol  for more information. 

On Friday, May 31, 2024, during Advisory, the Class of ‘24 advisors sent out a Google form and the class prepared to take on the responsibility of electing the people who will lead the class. After the votes were counted, it was revealed that the officers leading into junior year will continue to guide the class through senior year.

The only change made for next year is the change from JV’s Coordinator to Event Coordinator. This role now has three spots which is now a combination of the previous JV’s Coordinators Bertha Jean Louis and Jennifer Slawson, and previous Volunteer Coordinator Julianna Lin.

The other spots remained the same with Christina Anasthal as Class President, Saniah Charles as Vice President, Sarah Pham as Secretary, Kevin Lin as Treasurer, and Jessica Li and Jaslie Fang, a reporter for the Blue and Gold, for Social Media Coordinators. With the same group as last year, the class officers will be able to avoid any lack of efficiency, ensuring an exciting year for the Class of ‘25.

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