HOSA Club Reflects on Their Plans for the New Year

Malden High School’s Health Occupations Students of America Club (HOSA) recently shared some new plans for the year.

This chapter, co-founded by juniors Thomas Conti, now President, and Ashlee Zeng, now Vice President, strives to mend “the glaring issue in terms of opportunities for STEM students… outside of the classroom,” as asserted by Conti.

Most importantly, “HOSA was designed for students to gain experience and work with like-minded people in all aspects of science—not just the medical field—and Conti believes this goal is reflected in their endeavors for this school year. 

One of them is participating in competitions for a variety of health categories. “Students can compete in various different events ranging from tests in subjects like biochemistry or physics to professional events like clinical nursing or pharmacy,” said Conti. “They will also practice techniques specifically tailored to certain fields,” Conti mentioned. Competitions are one of HOSA’s key components.

The ultimate goal for competitions is to qualify for the “International Leadership Conference,” said treasurer Kelly Ye. “We hope to create an environment that will support students in exploring their interests within the health industry and prepare them to participate in this event, which comes with valuable networking opportunities and a chance to win prizes!”

Conti added that he intends to “continue to bring in professionals from different organizations to speak about their experiences and pathways into science.” These guest speaker events intend to not only educate members about perspectives in STEM but also provide an opportunity to make connections with professionals in the industry.

Along with guest speakers, Zeng hinted at other professional development opportunities like workshops, hands-on experiences, and more for students to look forward to.

Another main focus this year is fundraising. “Primarily through grants,” said Ye, “We will use the funds to fly students out to the competition or purchase specialized lab equipment for Malden High, as our technology is currently lacking,” Ye added.

However, the officers acknowledged the need to collaborate well to ensure that these goals are accomplished and that HOSA runs successfully in its first full school year. “I hope my fellow officers and I can continue to be focused and driven towards our visions,” expressed Ye. 

Zeng affirmed that “as a leader, I plan to lead with strong communication, organization, and empathy.” However, it is important for her to foster “teamwork and inclusivity to ensure that everyone’s thoughts and ideas are valued.”

The officers are collectively determined to make HOSA’s meetings an open-minded space where everyone can share their ideas, which Conti believes is “the best way to grow both as individuals and as a collective.”

While ensuring good leadership in the club, they hope to increase member participation. “We want to give everyone an opportunity to explore their interests in science. Anyone and everyone is welcome,” said Conti.

For those interested in joining HOSA and who want to be notified about future meetings and updates, they can join the Google Classroom with the code “qhhexsn.”

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