Getting ready to row his last crew race, senior Daniel Doza has nothing but great memories of his four years of crew. Doza had first picked up crew as a freshman when Ms. Sarah Jones was his math teacher; he hopped on the idea of doing a sport and to try something new. Crew had helped him come out of his shell and conquer his shyness, teaching him to be more outgoing and to not care what others think. Jones and science teacher Shauna Campbell had given him helpful words of advice throughout the last four years, such as “[taking]life one step at a time. If you have a bad day, there is always tomorrow. And of course, be yourself,” Doza stated. Some of his achievements include participating in the Head of the Charles, which is the largest race in North America, and also winning the Greater Boston League All Star last spring.

Outside the river Doza is a normal teenager who enjoys sleeping and hanging out with friends during his free time. The only thing setting him aside from normal teenagers is his blisters, because “they will follow you for the rest of your life.” Doza’s lifestyle is “Eat. Sleep.Row.” School work and grades are as important to him as his crew career. Doza continues to challenge himself with classes such as AP Physics and BC Calculus, constantly striving for the best grades he can get.

Doza will be attending University of UMass Amherst in the fall but does not have an intention to row crew in college. He has a goal of graduating college with a degree in biochemistry and hopes by then he will decide if he wants to attend medical school or pursue a graduate degree. Doza’s advice to the underclassman is his definition of success; “when one is happy with [his] life because of the things that [he] has accomplished,” life is more enjoyable.


LISA DELACEY: As a senior co-captain of the Malden High School girls’ tennis team, Lisa DeLacey has made lasting memories of her team and the game they all love, both good and bad.

DeLacey, who will be atteing the prestigious West Point Academy for Basic Cadet Training immediately following the close of the school year, on July 1, has been on the team since she was a freshman. She says that being a member of the girls’ tennis team has been a significant part of her high school career, and will miss it dearly when she departs MHS this June.

DeLacey states that while there were often “blowouts” between teammates, she thanks her teammates and coaches for being there for her through experiences she will treasure for the rest of her life; she says that she will even miss the fighting, as she values the good times and the bad she has experienced with her teammates throughout high school: “The close matches…and the physical [toll taken on herself]” were all worth it in the end. They have “all made me a stronger, more confident player and  individual,” she shares.

DeLacey plans on continuing her athletic career throughout her college years, which is mandatory for students attending West Point. DeLacey hopes to take part in volleyball, basketball, or tennis.

“I will most definitely continue to play tennis at West Point and throughout my life.” DeLacey expresses, “Tennis is a sport that lasts a lifetime….I am excited to begin a new journey, but will greatly miss life as a high schooler.”


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