Senior Livia Chan has succeeded in achieving one of her goals — ranking as Malden High School’s class of 2013 valedictorian. Known to her friends, classmates,  and some of the staff members of MHS as intelligent, quiet, and level-headed, Livia has spent her years at MHS working hard towards this difficult-to-attain goal.

Chan was born in Manhattan, New York, and moved to Arkansas  when she was two years old where she remained until sixth grade when she moved to Malden  and attended the Salemwood School.

Senior Michael Hoang, who has known her since  sixth grade stated, “ Livia is easily the quietest person I know, but beneath that hides a very diligent worker. I met her in 6th grade when she moved in from Arkansas, and we quickly realized we had a hidden genius in the class.”

She is planning to study at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences University (MCPHSU), for the next six years. Chan’s favorite subject in high school was psychology, because “she loves learning about how the mind works and the relationship between mental functions and behavior.”

The most difficult class that she took during her four years of her high school career was AP World History. Chan explains that there was a lot of information to study and she has “never really been a huge fan of history.”  For teachers, she does not have a favorite as she described her teachers as “cool in their own way.”

Chan was involved in two clubs during her high school career: the Interact Club, which she joined in her sophomore year with MHS English teacher Shannon Alexis, and the Recycled Arts Club with former MHS art teacher, Alicia Fine, her junior year.

During her free time, Chan likes to watch Asian dramas. Chan stated that this “allows [her] to feel more connected to [her] Asian background.” Chan also stated that “Cantonese dramas especially help her improve on her speaking and reading abilities.”

Chan was accepted to MCPHSU, St. John’s University, Daemen College, Wagner College, Hofstra University, and UMASS Amherst. Chan is planning to become a physician assistant, which will require her to study at MCPHSU for the next six years. She will be studying the first four years as a Premedical and Health Studies major for her bachelor degree in Science. The other two years will be for her master degree in Physician Assistant Studies.

Chan stated that “becoming a physician assistant will allow [her] to enter a field that is intellectually stimulating, fulfilling, and interesting. Many people have never even heard the term ‘physician assistant,’ but in the healthcare field, physician assistants are becoming more necessary as facilities are trying to lower costs but maintain valuable healthcare, which also means [she] will be able to have a stable job.”

Her decision to attend MCPHSU was not an easy one. Chan spent a long time deciding between MCPHSU and St. John’s University. She stated that “the decision was difficult because [she] didn’t know if [she] wanted to stay in Boston or enter an entirely new environment in Queens, New York.”  In the end,  she  decided to commit herself to MCPHSU, mainly because she loves Boston and the Longwood Medical area around MCPHSU would provide her with great opportunities in the future.

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