Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a film directed by Rian Johnson and is the eighth episodic...
Abhishek Rana
Abhishek Rana is in his junior year and third year on the Blue and Gold staff. Born in Kathmandu, Nepal, Rana came to the US in the fall of 2011 where he started school at Ferryway elementary school. Even before moving to America, sports was a major part of Rana’s life, he spent a large
part of his free time playing soccer or watching sports like football, basketball and soccer. His favorite sports teams are Chelsea FC, the Dallas Cowboys, and the Boston Celtics. While he does not watch a lot of TV shows, Rana is among those who keep up with the Game of Thrones series and the British comedy, Doctor Who. He is also an avid music lover, his favorite genre being alternative rock. When asked to describe himself, Rana stated that he is a very “passionate” person when it comes to things he enjoys and he describes himself as enthusiastic and outgoing. Hoping for a successful year, Rana is looking forward to overseeing the sports section of the Blue and Gold.
The Boston Celtics have had quite the start to the 2017-18 NBA season. After two straight losses...
The MHS Boys Soccer team lost 2-0 to Framingham in the first round of the state tournament...
35 points, 10.6 rebounds, 5.5 assists with 2 steals and a block, while shooting 63.1% from the...
Freshman, Tenzin Shakya is one of the up and coming bright starts on the boys volleyball team....
The 2017 spring season was a season of progress as well as change for the Malden High’s...
On Wednesday, May 2nd, Malden High School’s boys volleyball team scored a major win against the Somerville...
Malden High School’s boys volleyball team faces a challenging season ahead, as they look to make a...
The ninth annual Student vs Faculty game took place on Wednesday, March 22nd at the MHS Finn...