A year ago, Malden lost a friend, a son, a student, and a teammate. Josue “Danny” Quispe...
Alysha McDevitt
This year is sophomore Alysha McDevitt's first year in the Blue and Gold class. English teacher Sean Walsh had suggested that she joined because of her fondness of writing. This past summer McDevitt had travelled to New York City where she pursued her passion for photography in taking many pictures of the city. Along with photography she enjoys listening to music and reading. The Harry Potter series are both her favorite book and movies series. This year McDevitt is looking forward to her English class and what Blue and Gold has to offer.
Elections are right around the corner, and as frightening as that may be, it is important to...
The Malden High School Council met at the high school on October 13 to discuss the school...
The School Committee met June 8 for the eighth time to discuss the continued budget cuts. The...
In a short yet eventful season, the boys’ and girls’ outdoor track season was . The girls’...
On May 31, the school committee met to continue the discussion of budget cuts. The city has...
Senior Daryl Loreus has been on the boys outdoor track team since his freshman year. “[He] started...
To view the entire outdoor track photo gallery click here.
Although they have faced a number of hindrances this season, they are running strong, determined to have...