Following this story, the group was directed into Memorial Hall, where Martin began to reveal the story...
Brandon Wong
Returning for his third year in The Blue and Gold, Senior Brandon Wong returns as the new Managing Editor of Arts and Photography. Wong joined The Blue and Gold as a freshman to cover the local politics occurring in Malden but has started his sophomore year with a passion for photojournalism. Now a Senior, Wong hopes to pass down his photography skills to his underclassmen. With a love for creative writing, fantasy, politics, and economics, Wong hopes to publish his own fantasy series one day. Wong enjoys reading, biking and watching anime. His favorite genre of literature is mystery, thriller, fantasy, science fiction, dystopian, and historical fiction.
Freshman Monique Mei aiming at Adrienne D’Agostino. Photo taken by Julie Yu. To view the full photo...
Multicultural Night attendees line up to try the many cultural Cuisines available. Photo by Brandon Wong. To...
From left to right, sophomore Andrew Hoang, freshmen Jing Ren and Kimberly Vo, and sophomore Eugene Yoon...
Period 7 Mixed Chorus singing Scarborough Fair. Photo taken by Brandon Wong. To see the rest of...
Multicultural Night in 2017. Photo from B & G Archive. Every year in the spring, the Multicultural...