Currently, all gym classes at Malden High School require approximately six swim sessions where students spend their...
Delina Yohannes
Delina Yohannes is 17 years old and was born on September 11th, 2007 with her ethnic background in Eritrea. Yohannes lives with her grandma, mother, and her sister, and she enjoys going on long walks while listening to music. Yohannes likes the artist PARTYNEXTDOOR and is part of the outdoor track team. Her favorite TV show is “The 100” on Netflix. Yohannes wants to stop procrastinating and develop discipline throughout her school year. She takes journalism as she has loved writing ever since she was a kid and plans to see her growth throughout junior year.
On February 8th, handmade pipe cleaners that were made into flowers were available for pre-orders that would...
Abrhame explained that the club’s overall motive is to be a “safe space where students can come...
While on the topic of social bathrooms, since there is limited access to bathrooms, close monitoring of...
Jenayah Moreno also contributed to this article As the Pep Rally and Spirit Week came to a...
In a school as big and diverse as Malden High, it is not a surprise that creativity...
Cheer Captains Isabella Oliveira and Giselle Dessert. Photos submitted by Haylee Seeley