During the Holidays, the NHS pep rally returned for another year, leading to the annual Malden vs Medford football game and Powderpuff game. With a
Author: Jenayah Moreno
Ashton Calixte also contributed to this article. As Thanksgiving approached, so did the annual Powderpuff Game for the senior and junior girls at Malden High.
In 2025, a major change could drastically affect students’ test-taking experience: the AP exams and SATs distributed by the College Board will consist of
Although Malden High’s varsity field hockey team had a rough start to the season, with their first games, they have persevered to stay motivated to
Haset Tesfaw also contributed to this article. As the end of school nears, students of the Class of 2026 joined forces to put on a
Since 1998, MCAS has been a test that students all around Massachusetts have been required to take. Since 2003, it’s been a requirement to graduate.
As for the profits from the bake sale, the Class of 2026 hopes to put it towards their goal of $30,000 that they hope to
Around the corner of Pleasant Street, you’ll find a small gift, called The Gallery @ 57. There are many small gifts such as homemade earrings