The Malden Teen Enrichment Center (MTEC), located across the street from Malden High School, holds a tutoring...
Jennica Ruan
Jennica Ruan is a Senior at Malden High School, and a returning member of the Blue and Gold staff, with this being her fourth year involved. She is excited to take on more responsibility and come back to the environment of the class as the Editor-in-Chief of Web and Mobile. Ruan has enjoyed being a part of this class and hopes to pass on the traditions of The Blue and Gold to the underclassmen. With an unprecedented school year ahead, she hopes to make the best of her last year and try new things. She also plays on the Girls Lacrosse team and is a part of many clubs. Outside of school, Ruan enjoys cooking, baking, as well as painting and spending time with her family.
The Malden High Annual Lunar New Year Celebration occurred on Saturday, February 10th in the Jenkins Auditorium...
ESL stands for “English as a Second Language” and several classes are geared towards students who are...
*SPOILERS AHEAD* The Greatest Showman is a drama/romance movie based on the true stories and imagination of...
Malden High has started a new book club that meets every Tuesday at the library from 2:20...
Red Cross is hosting it’s annual blood drive on Thursday, December 7 at Malden High School. Sign...
Click here to see more photos of Boys’ Soccer playing against Framingham at States.
Fall sports are slowly coming to an end as the MHS Boys Soccer team is going to...
Check out the rest of the Boys Soccer photos here.
Malden High School’s Boys Soccer team, the Malden Golden Tornadoes went up against Lowell on Saturday, October...