To end of the month of April the Malden High School baseball team played back to back...
PJ Montezuma
Senior Phillip James (P.J.) Montezuma is one, cat loving, hardworking, buffalo chicken eating kid. Born in Malden, Massachusetts and has resided here since, alongside his three younger siblings. Montezuma has been a member of the Blue and Gold since freshman year, starting as a reporter, he is now the Head Sports writer for the paper. Montezuma intends to go to college and major in Journalism and Criminal Justice. In ten years, he sees himself working on ESPN. If Montezuma is not in school, he is either hanging out with friends or working at Stop and Shop.
Malden High School’s boys baseball team faced off against O’Bryant on Apr. 13 at Pine Banks. After...
After the never ending winter, the Malden High School varsity baseball team is more than ready to...
The Boston Red Sox start their season off with a six game road trip against the Philadelphia...
Most fans are counting down the days until April 6 for Opening Day, anxiously waiting for the...
As the last buzzer went off, three seniors hang up their Malden High School jerseys for the...
What was it like playing basketball at MHS? It was difficult at times because I had to...
With the blow of a whistle, Malden High School boys varsity basketball tips off their 2014-2015 season....
Senior Mark Ortiz is a key contributor to the success behind the Malden High School boys, having...