The Malden Public Library is currently hosting “Lasting Impressions of Japan: Hokusai & Hiroshige and Beyond,” an...
Ronald Batista
Freshman Ronald Batista is excited to start his journey on the Blue and Gold staff. Batista wants to use this class to improve his writing skills. Batista said that there is no word other than ‘short’ to describe him, though that doesn’t hold him back from his dreams of performing, he has recently joined Greenroom here at Malden High School and cannot wait to expand his love for the arts, especially acting. Along with Greenroom, Batista plans on doing Play Production next year. Batista stresses that his biggest inspiration is his mom simply because they are very close and she does everything for him. He stated that his favorite quote is “Use your smile to change the world, don’t let the world change your smile”, which perfectly matched his bright and cheerful personality.
The Entrepreneurship program, along with Ms. Buckley, hosted the second annual Elevator Pitch Contest, on Monday January...
Malden Public Library hosted a Young Adult Winter Party as one of their many youth events. The...
Boda Borg is a place where guests enjoy a real-world gaming experience. Guests can come in groups...
Written by Ronald Batista and Jennica Ruan Malden High’s spirit week occurs annually the week of Thanksgiving...
By Ronald Batista and Michelle Yin. Coming to an end of the season, the MHS Girl’s volleyball...