Malden High’s Play Production members are rehearsing for their upcoming musical “Once on This Island.” They plan...
Sabrina Monteiro
Sabrina Monteiro is a senior and joins the Blue and Gold for her final year as Managing Editor of Web and Mobile Apps. She first joined the Blue and Gold because her 7th grade teacher involved her in blogging and she was also required to write free writes every night for homework, all igniting a passion for connecting to a greater audience. This is where her 8th grade counselor advised that she should develop her passion for writing, fashion, and decorating by joining the Blue and Gold. Since then, Monteiro has grown an appreciation for travelling with hopes to go to Paris and recently achieved this dream last year while also having gone to the Bahamas this summer. Over the past few years, Monteiro has enjoyed creating new relationships in an environment where everyone is interested in the same things and hopes that she can continue her passion for journalism in the future as a broadcast journalist.
Malden High School recently received a new special education teacher, Madeline Lund. Lund is a co-teacher in...
Malden High School is an incredibly diverse school. It is one of the most diverse schools...
James Calo, Senior here at Malden High has been playing baseball since he was six year’s old....
The spring sports season has come to an end, and although the baseball team did not manage...
On Monday, May 9th, the Malden Varsity Baseball Team had a game against Gloucester at Pine Banks...
The Malden High School Outdoor Track team faced Medford High School on April 12, 2017. Both the...
With the start of a new season, the Malden High School baseball team is working their hardest...
BY SABRINA MONTEIRO & JOSANDY JEUNE Due to bad weather, the outdoor track team moved practices to...
For many Americans, Paris is a dream place to visit from how much it is romanticized by...