Ramadan (رمضان) is the ninth month of the Hijri calendar—Islamic Lunar calendar—which is recognized as a time...
Fatima Husain
Wafia Saruwar, Anna Bui, Krisaury Palacios Pina, and Sabrina Abo also contributed to this article. You have...
Wingardium Leviosa—if your childhood was just as immersed with Harry Potter as mine, then the nostalgia that...
Midterms. The mere mention of the word can send shivers down students’ spines. This period of intense...
Can you pinpoint where you will be 30 years from now? In 50 years? It is hard...
A stroke of a paintbrush or the mold of a vase sets forth a series of actions...
For the past few years, Malden High School has faced an issue of students disregarding or missing...
Fatima Husain, Wafia Saruwar, and Abyan Ali contributed to this article. Libraries are a significant component of...