Automotive teacher Chris Bazzinotti is one of the people who advise the building of the Tiny House....
I am stressed (admittance is the first step to recovery). Confession: I am partly to blame. Avoidance...
This year, Malden’s annual Veteran’s Day Parade started marching early morning, November 11th, 2017. Marching a route...
As the season comes to a close for the Malden High football team, the most anticipated game...
This year, MHS congratulates Boys Soccer Coach, Jeremiah Smith, for receiving Coach of the Year. Jeremiah Smith...
By Sandra Rivadeneira and Julie Yu Malden Reads is a reading organization for the Malden community, encouraging...
By Sabrina Monteiro and Carolina Cuevas The Korean Spicy Noodle Challenge was held on November 8th in...
Walk down almost any city street and what do you see? Humans of all sizes and colors...
The MHS Boys Soccer team lost 2-0 to Framingham in the first round of the state tournament...
The Malden High Girls soccer team competed in a well fought game against Andover on Friday, November...