Ramadan is the holiest month for Muslims everywhere, and our first month of fasting starts on May...
Every Tuesday in room BR486, Psychology Club meets after school to talk about habits of the mind...
Film club meets every Thursday to deeply analyze different films and ideas in a different perspective to...
On Saturday, May 13th, Malden High School’s Technovation Team went to the Wentworth Institute for a worldwide...
On June 10th of this year, the Malden High School band is hosting a Malden Music Festival...
Zachary Rufo is a sophomore at Malden High, and is one of the members of our Boys...
During the summer, us teenagers are still hard at work. Whether it’s having a summer job, going...
On Tuesday, May 16th, the Malden High boys tennis team defeated the visiting Triton Hawks. Coming into...
Recently, the United States History 1 classes have been taking on Generation Citizen. One group, coming from...
National Honors Society, an organization created to “recognize outstanding high school students” inducted new members into it’s...