As spring sports are right around the corner, the crew team has taken on the season early....
Everything Club is a new, recently formed club here at Malden High. It was formed by sophomores,...
Each year, the International Women’s Day falls on March 8th, which is a celebration of women for...
BY JOSANDY JEUNE & SABRINA MONTEIRO As the wrestling season comes to an end juniors Wisly Pericles...
We live in a world of colors and labels, lots of them. A world where our eyes...
BY ABHISHEK RANA & SUBIN BASTOLA The season has come to an end for the Malden High School...
Don’t be sad, be rad. And since it’s Flashback Friday let’s hit some throw back songs that...
A few times a year, MHS joins together in solidarity to encourage reflection over significant causes in...
BY SYDNEY STUMPF & REBECA PEREIRA Poetry Out Loud has been a collaborative effort between teachers and...