Malden High School’s Music Club is welcoming new members to play music and learn new musical skills....
To help Josue Quispe’s family raise money for the funeral, visit the link below.
The United Nations is an organization that promotes peace and cooperation between countries. During UN meetings, hundreds...
Here are updates for the week of November 16 on current events in Malden. Some information may...
Veterans Day is a federal holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War I...
The 2014 Malden High School varsity Volleyball team made history last year when they won the Greater...
Malden’s Teen Enrichment Center held their third Girls & Boys Night Out event on Nov.12, 2015. The...
As of October, 2015, Singapore’s first Mermaid School is attempting to create the nation’s first pod. The...
Sophomore Jared Martino has helped lead the Malden High School football team to the playoffs. Though only...